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Many Polish adolescents seem to have insufficient intakes of vitamins C and E

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22 September 2014

A new study from Poland reports that about 50% of adolescents may consume diets that are deficient in vitamin C and vitamin E.

The observational study estimated dietary beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin A, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) intakes of a group of adolescents living in Warsaw, Poland, to assess if the micronutrient intakes meet the recommended doses (1). The dietary records showed that 47% to 67% of the participants consumed foods deficient in vitamin C and E.

The researchers commented that it is necessary to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit which provide a valuable dietary source of antioxidant vitamins that play a significant role in protecting the body from an excess of free radicals. Another study, calculating dietary micronutrient intakes of children aged one to three years at nursery schools in Lodz, Poland, found that the meals were significantly deficient in vitamin D and iodine, and insufficient in vitamin E and iron (2).


  1. Dybkowska E. et al. Evaluation of vitamins A, C and E content in diets of adolescents living in Warsaw, Poland. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2014; 65(1):21–25.
  2. Trafalska E. Assessing diets for energy and nutrients content in nursery school children from Lodz, Poland. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2014; 65(1):27–33.

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