Healthy eating and environmental sustainability
1 March 2013
Sustainability has become fundamental to many global policy agendas in areas relating to human impact on the earth’s resources, such as with food production and consumption.
25 August 2011
A daily dose of niacin may help men with high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction, a new Chinese study suggests.
In the randomized controlled trial, 160 men with high cholesterol and moderate to severe erectile dysfunction (ED) were randomly assigned to receive up to 1,500 mg oral niacin daily or placebo for 12 weeks (1). The study results showed that the men who took niacin reported an improvement in their ability to maintain an erection. In addition, their lipid levels improved. The placebo group did not have a change in symptoms.
The researchers commented that the study only included men who had high lipid levels as well as ED, so it would be not clear whether niacin has an effect in patients who have only ED. In patients with atheroscle-rosis, which is the accumulation of fats along blood vessel walls, niacin is known to improve both cholesterol and lipid levels. So it would be no surprise that niacin also helps ED, because atherosclerosis and ED have similar causes: both can be caused by inflammation of blood vessels, the scientists said.
1 March 2013
Sustainability has become fundamental to many global policy agendas in areas relating to human impact on the earth’s resources, such as with food production and consumption.
31 August 2016
13 February 2015
According to a new US study stroke patients with low vitamin D levels were more likely to suffer severe strokes and have poor health after stroke than those with normal levels of vitamin D.