Vitamin combination may slow the progression of HIV
30 November 2013
According to a new US study, supplements with B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium may delay disease progression in the early stage of HIV in patients.
28 August 2018
Breast milk is the gold standard for infant nutrition. The composition of a mother’s milk changes as her baby grows, but DHA omega-3 and ARA omega-6 are always present. Dr. Gregory Ward shines a spotlight on the importance of DHA and ARA nutrition to support infant health.
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30 November 2013
According to a new US study, supplements with B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium may delay disease progression in the early stage of HIV in patients.
27 February 2012
A new US review shows that salt raises blood pressure, but through the action of adrenaline, rather than blood volume expansion as originally believed.
13 June 2014
According to a new UK nutrition survey many consumers do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and oily fish to meet adequate intakes of vitamins, such as vitamin D, carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids.