Vitamin D deficiency seems to be common in Oman
12 August 2013
New research reports that the majority of adult Omanis may have deficient vitamin D levels.
27 June 2014
A new US review suggests that people with lower blood levels of vitamin D are twice as likely to die prematurely as people with higher blood vitamin D levels.
The systematic review included the results of 32 studies involving a total of 566,583 participants in 14 count- ries, average age 55 years, investigating the potential association between blood vitamin D concentrations and mortality rates during an average of nine years (1). The results showed that a vitamin D blood level of 30 ng/ml was associated with about half of the death rate compared to significantly lower blood levels.
The researchers commented that the blood concentration of 20 ng/ml recommended by the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) is based solely on the association of low vitamin D with risk of bone disease. The new fin- ding is based on the association of low vitamin D with risk of premature death from all causes, not just bo- ne diseases. Two-thirds of the US population has an estimated blood vitamin D level below 30 ng/ml. The study should give the medical community and public substantial reassurance that vitamin D is safe when used in appropriate doses up to 4,000 International Units (IU) per day, the scientists said. They recom- mended to consult a physician when changing the intake of vitamin D and to have the blood level of 25-hy- droxyvitamin D checked annually. Daily intakes above 4,000 IU per day may be appropriate for some patients under medical supervision.
12 August 2013
New research reports that the majority of adult Omanis may have deficient vitamin D levels.
6 March 2013
A new Chinese data review says that daily folic acid supplementation may reduce hardening of the arteries and decrease atherosclerosis risk.
26 October 2011
The average total vitamin D intake of Spanish women in menopause is only 39% of the recommended intake, says a new Spanish study.