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  • 2013

Experts in Norway recommend doubling vitamin D intake

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05 March 2013

The Norway Food Safety Authority (NFSA) has stated that the daily recommended intake (RDI) of vitamin D should be doubled from 10 to 20 micrograms per day for the entire population.

Analyzing vitamin D intake data, the NFSA concluded that the current Norwegian recommendations of
10 micrograms/day for children above two years, adolescents and adults, and 20 micrograms/day for seniors over 75 years are achieved by less than 50% of the population. To ensure an intake of 20 micro-grams of vitamin D per day in the elderly, a daily dose of 20 micrograms from food supplements is justi-
fied, the experts said. If the maximum limit for vitamin D in supplements is increased to 20 micrograms
per daily dose, all age groups will be able to cover their recommended intake without any risk of exceeding the tolerable upper intake level. The maximum permitted limit (MPL) for vitamin D in Norway is 100 micro-grams/day for children and adolescents above 10 years and adults, and 50 micrograms/day for children aged 1-10 years. The NFSA added that the minimum limit for vitamin D supplements should also be evaluated.

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