Zinc may reduce female anger and depression
8 April 2010
Daily supplements of zinc may help reduce measures of anger and depression in young women, according to a new study.
06 July 2012
Regular intake of selenium supplements seems to decrease risk of mortality in women with breast cancer, suggests a new Swedish study.
In this observational study, researchers surveyed the dietary intake of selenium in 3,146 women with invasive breast cancer and measured cases of breast cancer-related death over 12 years (1). The study results showed that women with the lowest intake of selenium were 31 percent more likely to die from breast cancer, compared to those with the highest intake. The association between dietary selenium intake and breast cancer -related death seemed strongest when taking smoking into account: of the group with the lowest intake of selenium, smokers were 66 more likely to die compared to non-smokers.
The researchers concluded that women who take selenium before being diagnosed with breast cancer may improve their chances of breast cancer–specific survival as well as improving their overall life expectancy. Selenium is known to be a cofactor in the production of antioxidant enzymes that may play a role in cancer survival.
An estimated 210,000 women in the United States are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, according to the National Cancer Institute. The disease alone, as well as complications which arise during treatment, are expected to kill about 40,000 of those women. Breast cancer is preventable in many cases. A healthy lifestyle, including following a healthy diet, can help reduce the risk of cancer, the scientists noted.
8 April 2010
Daily supplements of zinc may help reduce measures of anger and depression in young women, according to a new study.
28 April 2014
According to a new US study a low dietary vitamin D intake in mid-life seems to be linked to a higher total mortality among hypertensive subjects.
9 June 2010
Increased intake of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of elderly people developing depression, says a new US study.