Antioxidants may reduce infertility
20 September 2010
Intake of supplements containing vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc may increase the risk of developing melanomas in women, a French follow-up study claims.
05 April 2018
20 September 2010
Intake of supplements containing vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc may increase the risk of developing melanomas in women, a French follow-up study claims.
29 April 2012
According to a new UK study, increased consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables could reduce the risk of diabetes by 21%.
1 March 2015
In 1970, Linus Pauling outlined in a book his own experience with vitamin C and the reasons he believed gram doses of vitamin C would improve the immune system. Written at a time when natural therapies were becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals, the message resonated with the public with such intensity that vitamin C will forever be linked with the prevention and treatment of the cold. However, research studies on vitamin C and colds have often been poorly conducted, generating controversial results.