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Most newborns in Jordan are vitamin D deficient

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29 January 2014

A new study from Amman, Jordan, reports that most newborns in the region are severely deficient in vitamin D.

The prospective cohort study measured the vitamin D concentrations in blood samples of 3731 newborns within 96 hours of birth (1). The study results showed that 94% of the newborns were vitamin D deficient (below 50 nmol/L) with a median vitamin D level of only 8.6 nmol/L. Lower gestational age, maternal smoke exposure, and birth during winter months were associated with lower infant vitamin D levels, while vitamin D supplementation and time spent outside during pregnancy were associated with higher vitamin D levels.

The researchers concluded that the prevalence of severely low vitamin D levels in newborn infants in Jordan is substantial, even in newborns born during the spring and summer months. They said vitamin D supple- mentation is needed in this population. Vitamin D deficiency is well recognized in many Middle Eastern countries.


  1. Khuri-Bulos N. et al. Vitamin D Deficiency among Newborns in Amman, Jordan. Glob J Health Sci. 2013; 6(1):162–171.

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