Resveratrol may support bone health in obese men
8 September 2015
A new study from Denmark reports that resveratrol seems to increase bone formation and/or mineralization in obese men.
27 August 2014
A new study from Germany reports that regular increased intakes of the polyphenol resveratrol seem to support memory performance and glucose metabolism in older adults.
In the randomized controlled trial, 46 participants aged between 50 and 75 years performed memory tests before and after they received either 200 mg resveratrol per day of or a placebo for 26 weeks (1). The study results showed that participants who were supplemented with resveratrol had significant improvements in the retention of words over 30 minutes compared with placebo. In addition, neuroimaging data showed that resveratrol led to a significantly increased functional connectivity of the hippocampus. Moreover, resveratrol supplementation was associated with decreased levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) – a marker of long-term presence of excess glucose in the blood.
The researchers commented that increased resveratrol intakes may be a new strategy to maintain brain health during aging. While earlier research has linked resveratrol intakes to improved blood flow in the brain (2), the new results indicate that the polyphenol may be able to modulate brain function. Resveratrol, found in grapes and red wine has been intensively investigated for potential cardiovascular benefits.
8 September 2015
A new study from Denmark reports that resveratrol seems to increase bone formation and/or mineralization in obese men.
26 September 2012
According to a new Spanish study, vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy could hinder infants' brain and motor development.
6 June 2013
A new Australian study suggests that increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce depressive symptoms for older people with mild cognitive impairment, and lower their risk of digressing to dementia. At the same time, a controversially discussed review found no benefits associated with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on cognitive function in cognitively healthy older people.