
  • News
  • 2015

Vitamin D deficiency seems more closely linked to diabetes than obesity

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13 March 2015

A new study from Spain reports that people who have low levels of vitamin D are more likely to have diabetes, regardless of how much they weigh.

The observational study compared blood vitamin D concentrations of 148 participants at a wide range of weights (from lean to morbidly obese subjects), with diabetes, prediabetes or no glycemic disorders (1). The study results showed that obese participants who did not have glucose metabolism disorders had higher levels of vitamin D than diabetic subjects. Likewise, lean subjects with diabetes or another glucose metabolism disorder were more likely to have low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D levels were directly correlated with glucose levels, but not with body-mass index (BMI). 

The researchers concluded that vitamin D supply is associated more closely with glucose metabolism than obesity. Vitamin D deficiency and obesity may interact synergistically to heighten the risk of diabetes and other metabolic disorders. The average person may be able to reduce their diabetes risk by maintaining an adequate vitamin D supply.


  1. Clemente-Postigo M. et al. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Adipose Tissue Vitamin D Receptor Gene Expression: Relationship With Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Published online February 2015.

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