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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is water-soluble vitamin, also known as ascorbic acid. Even before its discovery, physicians recognized that there must be a compound in citrus fruits preventing scurvy, a disease that killed many sailors a few hundred years ago. Later research revealed that humans depend on external sources to cover their vitamin C requirements, while most animals are able to synthesize vitamin C in their body (1, 82).

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Things to know about Vitamin C

  • Supply situation

    Nutrition surveys in several European countries, such as Austria (37), Ireland (38) and the Netherlands (39), suggest that only close to 50% of the population meet national intake recommendations for vitamin C. Read More

  • Other applications

    Treatment with vitamin C has consistently resulted in improved dilation of blood vessels in individuals with atherosclerosis as well as those with angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Read More

  • Deficiency

    Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency (or cobalamin deficiency) include numbness and tingling, difficulty walking, memory loss, disorientation, and dementia. Read More

  • Sources

    Foods high in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) high vitamin include fruits and vegetables like strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, sweet red pepper, and broccoli. Read More

  • Safety

    There is no reliable scientific evidence that large amounts of vitamin C are toxic or detrimental to health. Read More