A large and growing body of evidence shows that insufficient levels of omega-3 EPA + DHA can lead to serious consequences.
Learn more about the research behind the importance of omega-3s and how patients can benefit from increasing intake.
Harvard researchers evaluated the mortality effects of several dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors in the United States. They found that insufficient levels of omega-3 were associated with serious health complications and nearly 100,000 premature deaths each year.1
A systematic review published in the British Medical Journal looking at the effects of fish oil supplementation included 12 studies with a total of nearly 33,000 patients. The review concluded that fish oil supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in deaths from cardiac causes.2
In a study evaluating the risks and benefits of fish intake published in JAMA, researchers found that 1-2 servings of fish per week, especially fish high in the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), reduced the risk of coronary death by 36% and total mortality by 17%.3
A cohort study published in Annals of Internal Medicine followed 2,692 US adults age 65+ without prevalent CHD at baseline. Higher baseline plasma phospholipid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids was associated with decreased risk of total mortality and fewer cardiovascular events.4 These findings are consistent with those of other cohorts from around the world.5
A study published in Athersclerosis evaluated the effect of omega-3 supplementation in the offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes. Omega-3 supplementation was found to improve endothelial function and reduce biomarkers of inflammation in these subjects. This suggests that increased omega-3 intake may have beneficial cardiovascular and metabolic health effects.6
NOTE: The studies and findings presented are those of the authors and were not conducted on behalf of the Know Your Ω™ initiative or DSM Nutritional Products. In no way do the authors or their body of work endorse any products or the Know Your Ω™ initiative. These materials are for informational purposes only. Any recommendations made therein are not intended to act as medical advice and should not be regarded as such.
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About: Know Your Ω™
By 2030, it’s estimated that nearly 44% of U.S. adults will have some form of cardiovascular disease – a leading cause of death among both men and women.3
Omega-3 EPA + DHA can help reduce the overall risk of cardiovascular disease and protect against heart health risks.5 Know Your Ω™, an educational campaign by DSM Nutritional Products, recognizes the vital role that healthcare practitioners play in addressing the vast inadequacy of omega-3 intake among the U.S. population. Know Your Ω™ is a resource that supports omega-3 recommendations to help protect your patients from cardiovascular disease and other health risks.
Know Your Ω™ is a trademark of DSM.