An insufficient supply of vitamin D may increase the risk of anemia in children
22 November 2013
A new US study reports that low blood vitamin D levels seem to increase the risk of red blood cell deficiency in healthy children.
20 January 2014
New studies from Sweden report that low intakes and low serum concentrations of vitamin E seem to be associated with an increased rate of fracture in older women and men.
In two cohort studies, the vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) intakes and blood concentrations of 61,433 women and 1138 men were measured and cases of fractures were documented over a period of 19 years (1). The studies’ results showed that women and men with the lowest intakes and/or blood levels of vitamin E had a significantly higher risk for hip fractures, as well as any other fractures.
The researchers commented that a reduction in the formation of free radicals and oxidative stress might reduce the rate of bone loss and muscle wasting in the elderly. Because vitamin E has high levels of anti- oxidant activity, it may favorably influence bone and muscle mass (2, 3). However, there are few human studies on the effect of alpha-tocopherol in relation to bone health. Osteoporotic fractures constitute a large and growing problem worldwide in both women and men, which have a profound effect on quality of life and mortality. Fracture risk is influenced by both genetic constitution and by environmental factors. Lifestyle factors (e.g., diet and physical activity) also gain importance with increasing age.
22 November 2013
A new US study reports that low blood vitamin D levels seem to increase the risk of red blood cell deficiency in healthy children.
12 July 2013
A new study from Japan reports that increased blood vitamin B6 concentrations in men may reduce oxidative stress potentially damaging DNA.
30 November 2010
People with vitamin D deficiency may have an increased likelihood of suffering depressive episodes, a new US study suggests.