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Resveratrol may support diabetes therapy

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08 April 2014

A new review from China reports that increased intakes of resveratrol may significantly improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity in diabetes patients.

The meta-analysis included 11 randomized controlled trials evaluating potential metabolic effects of res- veratrol in a total of 388 diabetic and non-diabetic participants (1). The analysis showed that increased intakes of resveratrol significantly improved glucose control and insulin sensitivity in participants with dia- betes but did not affect glycemic measures in non-diabetic persons when compared to the placebo group.

The researchers commented that more high-quality clinical trials with durations longer than three months are needed to further confirm the positive effects of resveratrol. Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol that mainly exists in the skin of red grapes, has been reported to improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in several animal studies (2). Furthermore, resveratrol has been reported to reduce adiposity by decreasing the accumulation of triglycerides in fat cells, which may in turn improve insulin resistance. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that resveratrol may have a favorable effect on the prevention and control of diabetes by re- gulating glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. However, the results of human clinical trials have been inconsistent.


  1. Liu K. et al. Effect of resveratrol on glucose control and insulin sensitivity: a meta-analysis of 11 rando- mized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. Published online April 2014.
  2. Palsamy P. and Subramanian S. Ameliorative potential of resveratrol on pro inflammatory cytokines, hyperglycemia mediated oxidative stress, and pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction in streptozotocin-nicotin- amide-induced diabetic rats. J Cell Physiol. 2010; 224:423–432.

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