Higher intakes of vitamin B9 may reduce risk of colon cancer
24 February 2010
Dietary vitamin B9 (folate) protects against the development of colon cancer, says a new study.
07 September 2011
According to a new study from the UK, riboflavin supplementation may increase hemoglobin levels.
In the randomized controlled trial, 119 women aged between 19 and 25 with moderate riboflavin deficiency were randomly given either 2 or 4 mg of riboflavin or a placebo over the course of two months (1). Study results showed that both riboflavin groups displayed improvements in riboflavin status, with the higher dose producing a greater increase. An increase in hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count was observed in women who received supplemental riboflavin. Dietary iron intake and iron absorption did not change during the study.
The researchers commented that riboflavin seems to play a role in iron metabolism. The mechanisms by which riboflavin status influences blood status are, however, uncertain. Earlier studies reported a deficiency of iron-containing hemoglobin ( anemia) associated with acute riboflavin deficiency.
Dietary riboflavin is present in liver, egg yolk, milk, and meat. It is also used to fortify various food products such as bread and breakfast cereals. Vitamin B2 deficiency is not only common in developing countries, but also reported to be common among the elderly and young adults in some industrialized nations.
24 February 2010
Dietary vitamin B9 (folate) protects against the development of colon cancer, says a new study.
28 July 2014
A new study from Italy reports that a daily supplementation with magnesium may prevent or delay the age-related decline in physical performance of healthy elderly women.
27 March 2012
According to a new literature review, supplements containing antioxidants have no significant effect in reducing mortality of healthy individuals and patients.