Magnesium supplements may decrease diabetes risk
11 January 2011
Daily supplements of magnesium may improve insulin sensitivity and help reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight people, a new German study suggests.
05 November 2013
According to a new data analysis from Belgium, a regular and adequate vitamin D supply seems to increase lower limb muscle strength in the elderly.
The meta-analysis included 19 randomized controlled trials – with a total of 4,824 participants (with a mean age of 66 years) – that assessed the potential effect of vitamin D supplementation on grip strength and/or lower limb muscle strength (1). The analysis showed that participants with increased intakes of vitamin D had significantly higher global muscle strength, especially in the lower limbs, when compared to the placebo group.
The researchers commented that these findings support earlier studies suggesting that vitamin D plays an important role in skeletal muscle tissue and that vitamin D deficiency is associated with low muscular stre- ngth and an increase in the risk of falling (2). Various studies have demonstrated a relationship between vitamin D and physical performance (3). Although most of these studies were conducted in female-only pop- ulations, some studies which included both men and women reported similar results.
11 January 2011
Daily supplements of magnesium may improve insulin sensitivity and help reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight people, a new German study suggests.
1 March 2012
Fifteen years of experience has shown that fortifying flour with folic acid is a reliable method for significantly reducing the incidence of neural tube defects.
24 April 2015
In 2013, a paper from Brasky et al suggested a link between intake of marine omega 3 fatty acids and the risk of developing prostate cancer. A new, comprehensive meta-analysis from Alexander et al which included studies using both self-reported dietary intake and biomarker studies did not support an association between marine omega 3 fatty acid intake and prostate cancer.