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  • 2010

Vitamin D plus calcium may decrease fracture risk

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15 January 2010

Daily supplements combining vitamin D and calcium may protect everyone from fracture, regardless of age or gender, says a new study.

According to the results of a pooled analysis including almost 70,000 people in the US and Europe, a combination of vitamin D (10 micrograms) and calcium significantly reduced fractures by 8 percent, and hip fractures by 16 percent (1). The combination of supplements benefited both women and men of all ages. Trials which used only vitamin D at a dose of 10 or 20 micrograms showed no significant reductions in fracture risk.

The study supports a growing consensus that combined calcium and vitamin D is more effective than vitamin D alone in reducing a variety of fractures, the researchers commented. Now, they want to investigate the best dosage, duration and optimal way for people to take it.


  1. Abrahamsen B. Patient level pooled analysis of 68,500 patients from seven major vitamin D fracture trials in US and Europe. British Medical Journal. 2010.

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