Magnesium Intake Recommendations

In 1993, the European Scientific Committee for Food determined an acceptable magnesium intake range for adults of 150–500 milligram (mg) per day (52).

Based on the results of balance studies the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board established a recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium in 1997 (4):

 Life Stage  Age Males: (mg/day)Females: (mg/day)
 Infants0–6 months30 (AI)30 (AI)
 Infants 7–12 months75 (AI)75 (AI)
 Children  1–3 years8080
 Children 4–8 years130130
 Children9–13 years240240
 Adolescents14–18 years410360
 Adults19 - 50 years400310
 Adults51 years and older420320
 Pregnancy18 years and younger-400
 Pregnancy19-30 years-350
 Pregnancy31 years and older-360
 Breast-feeding18 years and younger-360
 Breast-feeding19-30 years-310
 Breast-feeding31 years and older-320

In 2010 it has been reported that around 60% of adults in the US do not consume the estimated average requirement for magnesium (60).

For a detailed overview of recommended daily intakes (PRIs/RDAs) of vitamins and minerals for adults derived from different countries and organizations see PDF.


Authored by Dr Peter Engel in 2010 and reviewed and revised by Angelika Friedel on 03.05.2017.