Vitamin K Intake Recommendations

Because of the lack of specific information about the vitamin K requirement, the European Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies has set no population reference intakes (PRI) for vitamin K but considers a daily intake of 1 microgram (mcg) per kilogram (kg) body weight to be adequate and provided by a normal diet (25).

Some European countries have set values for recommended vitamin K intake. Germany, Austria and Switzerland recommend an estimated value of 70 micrograms (mcg) vitamin K per day for men and 60 micrograms (mcg) per day for women (26).

In 2001, the United States Food and Nutrition Board established the adequate intake (AI) level for vitamin K based on consumption levels of healthy individuals (27):

Life Stage  Age Males (mcg/day)Females (mcg/day) 
 Infants0–6 months2.0*2.0*
 Infants 7–12 months2.5*2.5*
 Children  1–3 years3030
 Children 4–8 years5555
 Children9–13 years6060
 Adolescents14–18 years7575
 Adults19 years and older12090
 Pregnancy18 years and younger-75
 Pregnancy19 years and older-90
 Breast-feeding18 years and younger-75
 Breast-feeding19 years and older-90

* The AI for infants is based on an estimated intake of vitamin K from breast milk.

The current values are predominantly based on the daily vitamin K intake of healthy individuals; they do not reflect any additional level of vitamin K, which may promote potential health benefits.

The dietary intake of vitamin K required for optimal function of all vitamin K-dependent proteins is not yet known. To obtain the amount of vitamin K associated with a decreased risk of hip fracture in the Framingham Heart Study (12), an individual would need to consume about 250 micrograms (mcg) per day.

For a detailed overview of recommended daily intakes (PRIs/RDAs) of vitamins and minerals for adults derived from different countries and organizations see PDF.

People being treated with anticoagulants (heparin) in particular should consult their medical adviser before taking vitamin K supplements.

Newborn infants are at an increased risk of deficiency (see Deficiency).

Authored by Dr Peter Engel in 2010, reviewed and updated by Dr Szabolcs Peter on 18.06.2017