Informe del congreso: The Power of Programming – International Conference on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Múnich, Alemania, mayo de 2010
5 abril 2018
14 junio 2018
Junio es el mes dedicado a la concienciación sobre el cerebro y el Alzheimer. Una de las ideas erróneas más frecuentes es que la salud del cerebro solo se convierte en un problema a edades avanzadas. Hilary Jones, M.D. rebate este mito y ofrece tres pilares clave para un cerebro sano.
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5 abril 2018
Among the components in foodstuff that contribute to health, micronutrients such as vitamins, carotenoids and minerals are essential. A key factor in maintaining health is the ‘ antioxidant ’ capacity of several micronutrients. Such antioxidants are thought to reduce the risks of chronic illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases through their ability to supplement cellular defense systems (e.g. antioxidant enzymes) in removing “ Reactive Oxygen Species ” (ROS) and “Reactive Nitrogen Species” (RNS). ROS and RNS are highly reactive “free radicals,” which are produced during the body’s normal energy-generating process. These free radicals (or “pro-oxidants”) trigger chain reactions, resulting in the rapid oxidation of cellular molecules. The increased exposure to free radicals, known as “ oxidative or nitrosative stress ”, can lead to DNA, lipid and protein damage and potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular illnesses and cancer.
18 octubre 2013
Un nuevo gran estudio confirma que un mayor consumo de frutas y hortalizas puede disminuir el riesgo de mortalidad por todas las causas, especialmente la mortalidad por enfermedad cardiovascular.